Virtual weaving map of the Liberties

Since 2020, The Liberties Weavers together with Dublin City Council’s Historian in Residence, Cathy Scuffil, have been researching the textile history of the Liberties, and locating specific points in the neighborhood with historical significance. You can explore what we’ve found so far in the map below. Any errors or inaccuracies stand open to correction. 

Illustrations featured are by NCAD Final Year student Sophia Ricotta who proposed the online mapping project to The Liberties Weavers while on a NCAD Studio+D8 Residency and worked with us throughout the project.

Thank you also to Cristina Nicotra and Marja Almqvist from the Liberties Weavers, who coordinated the project and brought the map online. 

The project would not have come to fruition without the generous support of The Heritage Council.